Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 12: Meeting 2 + Competition 1 + Burlesque

Just like yesterday, we met up with another person, Ms. L, who offered generous advice about entering the food industry in the Philippines. Got some helpful contacts on a designer, packaging supplier, and insurance. There are still some kind people left in this world after all!

For lunch, we went to check out one of our competitors. The food was way below my expectations. Val found it alright though since she hasn't really tasted a lot of this type of food. We've asked a few people around and four out of five didn't have favorable things to say about this place. The restaurant is doing well for itself though. It's quite popular now among yuppies. Portions were sizable but I personally think the price is a bit too high for the quality and the service. Hopefully, we can provide better quality, better tasting dishes and better service.

We watched Burlesque in the evening. Had popcorn. Cheese popcorn rocks! Rotten Tomatoes gave it a thumbs down. Story wise, it's nothing new. Small town girl Annie moves to LA for better things– as she couldn’t find anyone she aspired to be . I thought that was such a meaningful line. Surprisingly, Christina Aguilera was not bad at all.  Her performance was jaw dropping. Nee said she could feel it rushing down her body. 

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