Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 11: Meeting 1 + Starbucks Culture

Sitting at Starbucks waiting for Nee. We have an appointment with someone who we shall call Mr. K for now, who is graciously meeting us to share his experience of starting up a business in Manila. This will be our very first meeting. Hopefully it goes well and we get some useful information.

Speaking of Starbucks, don't you think it's quite impressive what the brand has managed to achieve over the years? It has successfully established its own culture—a magnetic quality that lures people in, creating a cult following. I don't know my coffee so can't really say much but Nee tells me that it isn't that great; nevertheless, she still drinks it because she likes hanging out at Starbucks—good ambiance and music, and friendly baristas. Having a distinct brand culture seems such a simple and obvious marketing strategy but I'm dead certain it's easier said than done.

Image from here

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